Tuesday, May 12, 2015

No More Isolation!!! Grade 6 Ontario Teachers Chat

I've been fortunate enough to have delivered workshops at some incredible conferences these past two weeks, but it is really good to be back home in the classroom. The trouble is I'm not ready for the learning to stop. Twitter and online articles are great, but I really want to open the dialogue and collaborate with others. I'm tired of working in isolation!!!
I work with great teachers in my school, but unfortunately, I'm the only grade 6 teacher and my brain turns a lot faster than my hands. I have some great ideas, but they never stop; EVER! Fortunately, I have wonderful girlfriend and friends who drag me away from work and force me to have a life outside of school.
Coming back from my tangent, I think it is important to live a balanced life and not try to do everything yourself. It is important to work with others, share ideas and resources. My latest project is to start a discussion for grade 6 teachers in Ontario. We all have a lot of great things happening in our classes and I think it is time we share them. The topic (possibly first of many) will revolve around best practices for EQAO preparation. Please take a few minutes to complete the below survey and participate in the chat.