I can bring creativity into almost any lesson you throw at me, but for some reason I have always struggled with teaching rich art lessons. I have some incredible artists in my life and circle of friends, but I just never feel I can do justice in my art lessons.
I feel a large responsibility in making art meaningful for my students. Tt is not lost on me that one day I will encounter a student that has a great artistic ability in them, but that it be require encouraging. So many students have such great raw talent, but never see an application/purpose for their talents. If even one of my students leaves my class feeling empowered to make a career with their talents then I've done my job. We want to introduce students to as many diverse opportunities as we can, but we need to do the same in art. Hopefully, our Christmas baking/decorating lesson showed students a new way to apply their skills or even revealed a talent they didn't know they had.